Surveying the roof of Hampden Stadium for the Commonwealth Games Closing Ceremony - July 2014

So.. What is Night Train exactly?

Night Train is Spike Allibone... and sometimes Anya Allibone (when you need a creative producer / show designer).

Based in Edinburgh, Scotland and traveling everywhere, I am a freelance specialist in live event production.

I'm a senior producer, producer, show caller and consultant for events which include corporate, television, rock n'roll, ceremonies, shows and special event projects.

Most of the time I work contracted to other larger production companies though Anya and I have a small collection of direct clients too.


We are lucky in that our track record has what some people call a "wow factor" - so we tend to look attractive and qualified!

I do try to remind people that we still do a lot of smaller and straighter contracts too. We're no stranger to banking conferences and corporate videos. And because we're nice and a bit creative, and because we have very low overheads, you might find this a useful benefit to your next event.

Spike & Anya Allibone

(last updated May 2018)


Then click here for a FAQ page which includes all our official info too
Or click here for a more formal description of our services
Perhaps click here to peruse my CV. I have a flashy version and a "CV Light" one pager too
Go here for our official Ts & Cs
I keep a blog here
There's an Instagram feed here

After that, you're on your own really.... each of the above links open in a separate window.

Anya fixes a Cycladic Head before a cocktail party in 2011

Anya fixes a Cycladic Head before a cocktail party in 2011